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Leave Management

Leave Management allows IXM WEB users to create and configure different types of Leaves as per the company policy. It provides following tabs to save respective information -


Screen Layout of Leave Type


Field Description of Leave Type

Configure different types of Leaves through this option.


Screen Layout of Leave Group


Field Description of Leave Group

Create Leave Groups from this option. A Leave Group comprises of one or more Leave Types.


Screen Layout of Accrual Policy


Field Description of Accrual Policy

Leave Balance is credited to the employees as per the company’s accrual policy.


Screen Layout of Leave Balance


Field Description of Leave Balance

Leave Balance will allow IXM WEB users to view an Employee’s Leave Balance in detail for a selected period. Leave Balance can also be viewed for a particular Leave Type for the selected period.



Select the Employee from the dropdown list.


Leave Type:

Select the Leave Type from dropdown list.



Select the Period as either "Monthly" or "Yearly" from the dropdown list.




This option will be displayed only when Period is selected as "Monthly".


Select the Month from dropdown list.



Select the Year from the from dropdown list.


Once selected, click on Search button to view details.

Screen Layout of Leave Transaction


Field Description of Leave Transaction

IXM WEB users can credit leave(s) to an Employee on a monthly and/or yearly basis. Leaves can also be debited and encashed from an employee’s existing leave balance in case adjustment is required.



Select the period as "Monthly" or "Yearly" for the leave transaction from the dropdown list.




This option will be displayed only when Period is selected as "Monthly".


Select the Month for this leave transaction from the dropdown list.


Entry Type:

Select the Entry Type for the leave transaction. Select "Credit","Debit" or "Enchash" from the dropdown list.


Leave Type:

Select the Leave Type for which you want to perform the leave transaction.



Specify remarks for that transaction.


Click on Apply Filter button to perform the transaction for particular Employee(s).


Click on Applybutton to perform that transaction for All T&A Employee(s).


Click on Clear All button to remove the selection.